DURET and Best Board are no more ... but Hattori Hanzo is alive and ripping!

 ... sadly both DURET and BestBoard stopped their production a cople of years ago.

But there are still many brands out there!!!

The brand comparable to Best Board, that I really want to endorse, is Hattori Hanzo.

Hattori Hanzo has a unique handmade set of monos for dedicated riders. 

The Raptor is for Extreme Carving fanatics ... enjoy!

contact Tom Mammuth here


/stefan eekenulv
+46 708 56 54 05

mer om mig:
>>> http://monoskisweden.blogspot.se/2011/02/monoski-artikel-i-brant.html
>>> http://www.freeride.se/content/2026/